Levels: 1-3
Chance of guard presence: 40
Type: 0
Booty (site): -20
Booty (with guards): 0
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 1
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards, your workers will be able to mine iron here.
Description (not guarded)
Grants resource: Iron. Income +1.
Orcs (3)
Undead (2)
Retinue (1)
The hero %s has reached an iron deposit. Unfortunately, he is not the first to have found it - a group of guards is standing nearby.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
The hero %s has reached an iron deposit. Unfortunately, he is not the first to have found it - a group of guards is standing nearby.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Deposit of the resource Iron
Increases the income: gold by 1, crystals by 0
Levels: 1-3
Chance of guard presence: 40
Type: 0
Booty (site): -20
Booty (with guards): 0
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 1
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards, your workers will be able to harvest redwood here.
Description (not guarded)
Grants resource: Redwood. Income +1.
Brigands (2)
Wolves (1)
Forest Guards (3)
The hero %s has reached a redwood grove. Unfortunately, it won't be possible to start gathering the valuable wood yet - the grove is already inhabited.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
The hero %s has reached a redwood grove. Unfortunately, it won't be possible to start gathering the valuable wood yet - the grove is already inhabited.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Deposit of the resource Redwood
Increases the income: gold by 1, crystals by 0
Levels: 1-3
Chance of guard presence: 50
Type: 0
Booty (site): -20
Booty (with guards): 0
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 1
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards, your workers will be able to breed horses here.
Description (not guarded)
Grants resource: Horses. Income +1.
Barbarians (1)
The hero %s has approached a herd of wild horses. The local inhabitants consider it theirs, so you'll have to deal with the savages before you can start breeding the horses.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
The hero %s has approached a herd of wild horses. The local inhabitants consider it theirs, so you'll have to deal with the savages before you can start breeding the horses.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Deposit of the resource Horses
Increases the income: gold by 1, crystals by 0
Levels: 1-3
Chance of guard presence: 30
Type: 0
Booty (site): -20
Booty (with guards): 0
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards, your workers will be able to collect mandrake here.
Description (not guarded)
Grants resource: Mandrake Gem income +1.
Goblins (3)
Sabbath (1)
The hero %s has found a mandrake glade. The swamp inhabitants living here consider this area theirs, so you'll have to fight them for access to this valuable resource.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
The hero %s has found a mandrake glade. The swamp inhabitants living here consider this area theirs, so you'll have to fight them for access to this valuable resource.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Deposit of the resource Mandrake
Increases the income: gold by 0, crystals by 1
Levels: 2-4
Chance of guard presence: 40
Type: 0
Booty (site): -20
Booty (with guards): 0
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards, your workers will be able to produce arcanite here.
Description (not guarded)
Grants resource: Arcanite. Gem income +2.
Goblins (1)
Swamp Creatures (1)
Swamp Dwellers (1)
Medusas (2)
Slugs (1)
Dark Druids (1)
Death Servants (1)
Monstrologists (1)
The hero %s has found a slough glimmering with a strange light. It seems that there is a rich arcanite deposit at the bottom of the slough, but before you can start mining, you'll have to clear this place of hostile creatures.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
The hero %s has found a slough glimmering with a strange light. It seems that there is a rich arcanite deposit at the bottom of the slough, but before you can start mining, you'll have to clear this place of hostile creatures.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Deposit of the resource Arcanite
Increases the income: gold by 0, crystals by 2
Levels: 2-4
Chance of guard presence: 40
Type: 0
Booty (site): -20
Booty (with guards): 0
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 1
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards, your workers will be able to quarry marble here.
Description (not guarded)
Grants resource: Marble. Income +2.
Orcs (2)
Dark Elves (2)
Dwarves (2)
Slavedrivers (2)
Gargoyles (2)
Skeletal Pack (1)
The hero %s has found a marble deposit. Unfortunately, he is not the first to have found it - a group of guards is standing at the foot of the hill.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
The hero %s has found a marble deposit. Unfortunately, he is not the first to have found it - a group of guards is standing at the foot of the hill.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Deposit of the resource Marble
Increases the income: gold by 2, crystals by 0
Levels: 2-4
Chance of guard presence: 40
Type: 0
Booty (site): -20
Booty (with guards): 0
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 1
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards, your workers will be able to mine mithril here.
Description (not guarded)
Grants resource: Mithril. Income +3.
Dark Elves (1)
Dwarves (1)
Slavedrivers (1)
Gnolls (1)
The hero %s has found a mithril deposit. Unfortunately, he is not the first to have found it - a party of guards is standing nearby.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
The hero %s has found a mithril deposit. Unfortunately, he is not the first to have found it - a party of guards is standing nearby.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Deposit of the resource Mithril
Increases the income: gold by 3, crystals by 0
Levels: 4-7
Chance of guard presence: 70
Type: 0
Booty (site): -20
Booty (with guards): 0
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 1
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards, your workers will be able to produce dionium here.
Description (not guarded)
Grants resource: Dionium. Income +3. Gem income +2.
Elves (1)
Forest Guards (1)
Dark Druids (1)
Druids (1)
Monstrologists (1)
The hero %s has found a dionite thicket. It looks like you'll have to fight for the right to gather the fruits of these magic trees, though.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
The hero %s has found a dionite thicket. It looks like you'll have to fight for the right to gather the fruits of these magic trees, though.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Deposit of the resource Dionium
Increases the income: gold by 3, crystals by 2
Levels: 4-8
Chance of guard presence: 80
Type: 0
Booty (site): -20
Booty (with guards): 0
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards, your workers will be able to collect black lotus flowers here.
Description (not guarded)
Grants resource: Black Lotus. Gem income +3.
Swamp Creatures (2)
Swamp Dwellers (1)
Demons (2)
Dark Druids (2)
Medusas (3)
Hell Cohort (2)
Demonologists (1)
Death Servants (1)
Monstrologists (1)
The hero %s has approached a slough with black lotuses blooming all over its surface. It looks like you'll have to fight for the right to gather these magic flowers, though.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
The hero %s has approached a slough with black lotuses blooming all over its surface. It looks like you'll have to fight for the right to gather these magic flowers, though.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Deposit of the resource Black Lotus
Increases the income: gold by 0, crystals by 3
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (1-14)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 65
Forests: 65
Hills: 65
Swamps: 65
Description (guarded)
Ancient tombs often contain valuable treasures.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Undead (15)
Death Servants (6)
Giant Spiders (6)
Dark Elves (6)
Necromancers (8)
Witch Circle (6)
Adventurers (6)
Slavedrivers (6)
Slugs (6)
Monster Catchers (2)
Tomb Guardians (8)
Skeletal Pack (4)
Skeletal Guardian (1)
The hero %s approaches an ancient crypt. It looks like a burial vault of some ancient ruler or great warrior, and one is sure to find something valuable among the belongings of the deceased... and to encounter those guarding the peace of the dead, as well. Scouting results:
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (1-15)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 90
Forests: 90
Hills: 90
Swamps: 90
Description (guarded)
This used to be a city of the Ancients. Who knows - perhaps, the ruins are still guarding the secrets of their former dwellers?
Description (not guarded)
No description
Undead (4)
Goblins (4)
Giant Spiders (4)
Giants (3)
Ogres (1)
Cyclops (1)
Adventurers (4)
Alkaryl (4)
Rebels (3)
Horde of Shamans (2)
Death Servants (2)
Slugs (4)
Ancient Guards (2)
Siege Engineers (2)
Pack of Ratmen (1)
The hero %s has approached the deserted ruins of a city of the Ancients. Often, an ancient artifact or some treasures hidden by the current occupants of the ruins can be found in such places. Scouting has revealed that the ancient ruins are not as deserted as they may have appeared at first sight.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 5 (1-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 90
Forests: 90
Hills: 90
Swamps: 60
Description (guarded)
Prisoners were usually locked up in the dungeons beneath such towers. Sometimes, the spoils of war were stored there as well.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Brigands (4)
Orcs (4)
Rebels (3)
Battlemages (4)
Witch Circle (2)
Gnolls (2)
Dark Elves (3)
Trolls (3)
Horde of Shamans (2)
Spellcasters (1)
Slavedrivers (2)
Lizardmen (3)
Siege Engineers (2)
Pack of Ratmen (1)
The hero %s has approached a half-destroyed ancient tower. The inhabitants of the old citadel have noticed him and are preparing for battle.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-4
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): -1
Booty (with guards): 4 (0-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 25
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
If you capture this old farm, it is well able to increase the province income by 1.
Description (not guarded)
Once again, the farm is bustling with work. Income +1.
Militia (4)
Brigands (4)
Barbarians (1)
Goblins (4)
Undead (4)
Nomads (2)
Rebels (3)
Death Servants (3)
Orcs (4)
Halflings (4)
Adventurers (3)
Slugs (3)
Gnolls (2)
Alkaryl (3)
Pack of Ratmen (2)
Sabbath (2)
Great Cyclops (1)
The hero %s has approached an old abandoned farm. As it turns out, the building is not empty - a party of guards is advancing in the hero's direction.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Increases the income: gold by 1, crystals by 0
Levels: 2-5
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): -1
Booty (with guards): 4 (0-11)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 20
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
If you capture this old windmill, it is well able to increase the province income by 2.
Description (not guarded)
This once abandoned mill is working again. Income +2.
Militia (4)
Barbarians (2)
Goblins (4)
Rebels (3)
Nomads (2)
Halflings (4)
Demons (4)
Adventurers (3)
Gnolls (2)
Hell Cohort (1)
Skeletal Pack (2)
Sabbath (2)
Pack of Ratmen (2)
The hero %s has approached an old windmill. The abandoned fields around have not been tilled for a long time, and that's no wonder since the windmill is occupied by inhospitable hosts.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Increases the income: gold by 2, crystals by 0
Levels: 1-5
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): -1
Booty (with guards): 4 (0-12)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 18
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards and start mining silver, it will increase the province income by 3.
Description (not guarded)
Silver is mined here. Income +3.
Orcs (4)
Dark Elves (3)
Dwarves (4)
Dwarven Clan (3)
Slavedrivers (3)
Tomb Guardians (3)
Runemasters (2)
Horde of Shamans (2)
Gnolls (2)
Skeletal Pack (2)
Rebels (1)
Dungeon dwellers (1)
The hero %s has found an old silver mine. But it already belongs to someone, judging by the knocking noises of pickaxes coming from inside and the unfriendly guards at the entrance.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Increases the income: gold by 3, crystals by 0
Levels: 2-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): -1
Booty (with guards): 4 (0-12)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 5
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards and start mining gold, it will increase the province income by 5.
Description (not guarded)
Gold mining is an excellent source of income. Income +5.
Orcs (4)
Dark Elves (3)
Dwarves (4)
Dwarven Clan (3)
Slavedrivers (3)
Runemasters (2)
Horde of Shamans (2)
Gnolls (2)
Skeletal Pack (2)
Rebels (1)
Dungeon dwellers (1)
The hero %s has tried to approach a gold-rich hill, but his way is blocked by a party of guards.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Increases the income: gold by 5, crystals by 0
Levels: 3-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): -1
Booty (with guards): 5 (0-14)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 2
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards and start gem extraction, it will increase the province income by 8 and the gem income by 1.
Description (not guarded)
Gemstone mining brings you 8 gold and 1 gem per turn.
Orcs (5)
Dark Elves (3)
Dwarves (5)
Dwarven Clan (4)
Slavedrivers (3)
Giants (4)
Runemasters (2)
Ogres (2)
Cyclops (1)
Gnolls (2)
Skeletal Pack (2)
Rebels (1)
Dungeon dwellers (1)
The hero %s has tried to approach a hill rich in gems, but his way is blocked by a band of guards.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Increases the income: gold by 8, crystals by 1
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (1-14)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 35
Forests: 35
Hills: 35
Swamps: 35
Description (guarded)
This temple has long been abandoned. Something valuable surely must have been left behind by its former keepers.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Undead (4)
Demons (4)
Clerics (7)
Knightly Order (3)
Inquisitors (5)
Demonologists (2)
Druids (3)
Hell Cohort (3)
Sabbath (2)
Fanatics (3)
Horde of Shamans (3)
Death Servants (2)
Dark Priestesses (2)
While searching for treasures, the hero %s has approached an ancient temple. This old shrine only seemed abandoned from afar - its guards have noticed the uninvited guest and are preparing for battle.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 7 (2-14)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 15
Forests: 15
Hills: 15
Swamps: 15
Description (guarded)
Mages have cloistered themselves inside to perform their secret rituals and experiments.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Battlemages (13)
Witch Circle (7)
Necromancers (4)
Spellcasters (8)
Dark Druids (4)
Dark Priestesses (5)
Demonologists (3)
Drow Mages (2)
Gargoyles (2)
Elementals (2)
Death Servants (2)
Monstrologists (1)
Elemental Spirits (2)
The hero %s has reached a strange-looking magic tower. Several mages have secluded themselves here, experimenting with forbidden sorcery. They must possess rare scrolls or powerful artifacts. But they'll never give them up without a fight.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #363
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
May contain quest Scroll %s with a probability of 50%
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 5 (1-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 120
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Few dare venture in here. Who knows what sorts of secrets this forest may be keeping...
Description (not guarded)
No description
Brigands (4)
Elves (5)
Giant Spiders (5)
Forest Guards (5)
Centaurs (4)
Dark Druids (3)
Wild Pegasi (4)
Monster Catchers (2)
Druids (3)
Wolves (4)
Bears (3)
Monstrologists (1)
Rebels (1)
The hero %s has headed into the wildest part of the local forest. The inhabitants of the thicket have noticed him and are getting ready to attack.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 5 (1-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 45
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Something glitters in the darkness of the cave. It could be gemstones. Or, more likely, some creatures' hungry eyes.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Orcs (6)
Winged Creatures (8)
Demons (5)
Dark Elves (4)
Minotaurs (6)
Slavedrivers (3)
Wolves (6)
Hell Cohort (3)
Skeletal Pack (2)
Horde of Shamans (2)
Bears (3)
Great Cyclops (1)
Dark Priestesses (1)
Rebels (1)
Dungeon dwellers (1)
The hero %s has reached the entrance of a dark cave. This place is in bad repute with the locals for a reason - the cave is obviously inhabited, and its inhabitants don't look very friendly.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): -1
Booty (with guards): 5 (0-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 10
Forests: 15
Hills: 15
Swamps: 25
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards, this monolith will create 2 gems per turn for you.
Description (not guarded)
Magical energy stored by the monolith increases your gem supply by 2 per turn.
Undead (5)
Battlemages (5)
Witch Circle (2)
Necromancers (3)
Dark Druids (3)
Demonologists (3)
Slavedrivers (2)
Lizardmen (3)
Dark Priestesses (2)
Spellcasters (2)
Death Servants (3)
Gnolls (2)
Horde of Shamans (2)
Sabbath (2)
Seekers Clan (1)
The hero %s has reached a monolith covered with ancient runes. These rocks are known to collect magical energy, which could be easily converted into magic gems. But you will first have to defeat its guards.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Increases the income: gold by 0, crystals by 2
Levels: 0-0
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 7 (4-10)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: yes
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Decreases province income. The brigands who dwell in here may carry out plundering raids.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Bandits (2)
The hero %s has reached a lair of brigands. From here, the scoundrels make their insolent raids on your settlement and send out small parties to rob traders. If you destroy this nest of vipers, the province's economy will be substantially improved.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Triggers the event #16 with the chance 80%
Surely appears in the province with the type Brigand Outlaws
Changes the gold income by -30%
Triggers the event #689 with the chance 80%
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 11 (6-16)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: yes
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Decreases population growth. A host of demons might emerge from these gates and attack the province.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Chaos Legion (1)
The hero %s has reached the terrible gates leading beyond the confines of the Creation. It's through portals like these the demons come into this world. If the gates are destroyed, Evil will have to find another way in. No wonder they are guarded by spawns of Chaos.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Guard level is always 2
Triggers the event #36 with the chance 50%
Surely appears in the province with the type Lands of Chaos
Changes the population growth by -2
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 4
Booty (with guards): 17 (13-23)
Min province circle: 2
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 7
Forests: 10
Hills: 20
Swamps: 10
Description (guarded)
Legends tell us about the countless treasures the dragons hoard. Few people ever dared to try and seize them, though.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Dragon (4)
Dragons (2)
Wing of Dragons (1)
The hero %s has reached a gloomy dragon lair. Even outside, he can hear the heavy breath of the huge monster guarding its treasures.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Triggers the event #768 with the chance 10%
Levels: 1-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 8 (3-16)
Min province circle: 2
Works when hidden: yes
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Decreases population growth. Spreads diseases. The undead, animated by local necromancers, might try to conquer the province.
Description (not guarded)
Save the life of Death cultists, and you obtain control over the source of black magic and the ability to recruit a powerful undead. There is no guarantee however that necromancers can maintain continuous control of animated undead. Population growth -4.
Necromancers (3)
Witch Circle (3)
Death Servants (2)
Tomb Guardians (2)
Skeletal Pack (1)
The hero %s has reached a dark altar of the god of Death. The ground around it is covered with human remains, a tribute to the constant sacrifices made here. Servants of the dark cult are preparing to repulse your party.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1009
Guard level is always 2
Triggers the event #56 with the chance 50%
Triggers the event #8 with the chance 30%
Surely appears in the province with the type Land of the Dead
Changes the population growth by -4
Increases the income: gold by 0, crystals by 5
After the victory comes the encounter #1012
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 7 (4-11)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Temple of those who serve the Lord of Light. Its priests are skilled healers and famous fighters against evil.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Clerics (3)
Fanatics (1)
The hero %s has approached an ancient temple erected by an unknown race in time immemorial. It looks like they still worship some ancient deity in the temple, and a party of guards at the entrance indicates that it will be impossible to plunder the ancient shrine without a fight.
Number of guards: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #237
Guard level is always 3
Changes the population growth by 2
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 10
Hills: 5
Swamps: 12
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Empty (1)
What luck! While exploring the province of %s, the hero %s found hidden treasure!
Give the standard treasure
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 15
Hills: 9
Swamps: 15
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Empty (1)
While exploring the province of %s, the hero %s met the Spirit of Knowledge. By communicating with this wise creature, the hero has gained invaluable experience.
Give 20+Level*10 experience
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 12
Hills: 15
Swamps: 12
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Empty (1)
While exploring the province of %s, the hero %s has found a hidden chest filled with coins. Your reward is %d gold.
Give 50+Level*50 gold
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 14
Hills: 9
Swamps: 15
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Empty (1)
While exploring the province of %s, the hero %s has found a hidden coffer of magic gems. Your supply of gems is increased by %d.
Give 20+Level*10 crystals
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 5 (2-10)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 1
Forests: 2
Hills: 1
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
You can buy some leather armor or a quality belt in this shop.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Halflings (1)
Dwarves (2)
Dwarven Clan (1)
Retinue (2)
The hero %s has reached the tent of a tanner trading in different kinds of leather armor. It looks like the owner is afraid of robbers, so he keeps a significant company of guards around.
Number of guards: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #309
Guard level is always 3
Shop selling items of type "Light Armor", with a level of up to 4
Shop with the price factor 300 and 9 items
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 5 (2-10)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 2
Forests: 1
Hills: 1
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
You can buy a weapon or a shield in this shop.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Orcs (2)
Dwarves (2)
Dwarven Clan (1)
Retinue (2)
The hero %s has reached the tent of a weaponsmith trading in melee weapons and shields. It looks like the owner is afraid of robbers, so he keeps a significant company of guards around.
Number of guards: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #347
Guard level is always 3
Shop selling items of type "Melee Weapon", with a level of up to 5
Shop with the price factor 300 and 9 items
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (2-11)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 1
Forests: 2
Hills: 1
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
You can purchase a bow or a crossbow, or a spare quiver of arrows in this shop.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Elves (2)
Nomads (2)
Retinue (2)
The hero %s has reached a small shop trading in ranged weapons and ammunition. It looks like the owner is afraid of robbers, so he keeps a significant company of guards around.
Number of guards: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #349
Guard level is always 3
Shop selling items of type "Ranged Weapon", with a level of up to 4
Shop with the price factor 300 and 7 items
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (2-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 1
Forests: 1
Hills: 1
Swamps: 2
Description (guarded)
You can buy a magical wand or a sphere in this shop. The owner creates gargoyles for sale as well.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Elves (3)
Battlemages (3)
Witch Circle (2)
Dark Elves (1)
Retinue (3)
Slavedrivers (2)
Spellcasters (2)
Gargoyles (3)
Seekers Clan (1)
The hero %s has reached a small strange-looking building. Judging by a sign over the door, they sell magic wands and spheres here, and a large party of guards at the entrance indicates that it will be quite difficult to obtain any goods for free.
Number of guards: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #351
Guard level is always 3
Shop selling items of type "Wand", with a level of up to 4
Shop with the price factor 300 and 6 items
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (2-12)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 1
Forests: 1
Hills: 2
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
You can buy chainmail armor in this shop.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Dwarves (2)
Dwarven Clan (1)
Knightly Order (2)
Retinue (2)
The hero %s has reached a small shop trading in different kinds of chainmail. It looks like the owner is afraid of robbers, so he keeps a significant company of guards around.
Number of guards: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #353
Guard level is always 3
Shop selling items of type "Medium Armor", with a level of up to 4
Shop with the price factor 300 and 9 items
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (2-12)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 1
Forests: 1
Hills: 2
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
You can buy heavy armor in this shop.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Dwarves (2)
Dwarven Clan (1)
Knightly Order (2)
Retinue (2)
The hero %s has reached a small shop trading in different kinds of plate armor. It looks like the owner is afraid of robbers, so he keeps a significant company of guards around.
Number of guards: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #355
Guard level is always 3
Shop selling items of type "Heavy Armor", with a level of up to 4
Shop with the price factor 300 and 9 items
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 5 (2-11)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 2
Forests: 1
Hills: 1
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
You can buy all sorts of clothes in this shop.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Halflings (2)
Elves (2)
Retinue (2)
The hero %s has reached the small tent of a tailor trading in outerwear. It looks like the owner is afraid of robbers, so he keeps a significant company of guards around.
Number of guards: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #357
Guard level is always 3
Shop selling items of type "Clothing", with a level of up to 4
Shop with the price factor 300 and 9 items
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (2-11)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 1
Forests: 1
Hills: 2
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
You can buy rings, bracelets and amulets in this shop.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Dwarves (4)
Dwarven Clan (3)
Elves (4)
Retinue (3)
The hero %s has reached a sturdy stone building. Judging by a sign over the entrance, it's a jewelry shop. It looks like the owner is afraid of robbers, so he keeps a significant company of guards around.
Number of guards: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #359
Guard level is always 3
Shop selling items of type "Jewelry", with a level of up to 4
Shop with the price factor 300 and 7 items
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (2-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 1
Forests: 1
Hills: 1
Swamps: 2
Description (guarded)
You can purchase spell scrolls in this shop.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Battlemages (3)
Necromancers (3)
Dark Elves (2)
Retinue (3)
Gargoyles (2)
Spellcasters (2)
Slavedrivers (2)
Alkaryl (2)
The hero %s has reached a building with a peaked roof. Judging by a sign over the entrance, it's a magic scroll shop. It looks like the owner is afraid of robbers, so he keeps a significant company of guards around.
Number of guards: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #361
Guard level is always 3
Shop selling items of type "Spell Scroll", with a level of up to 4
Shop with the price factor 300 and 9 items
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 2
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 3
Forests: 1
Hills: 2
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
The heroes can participate in tournaments and bet on combatants on the arena.
Description (not guarded)
The heroes can participate in tournaments and bet on combatants on the arena.
Empty (1)
While exploring the province of %s, the hero %s has found a hidden coffer of magic gems. Your supply of gems is increased by %d.
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 3
Forests: 1
Hills: 2
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
A mysterious, ancient structure. Great treasures - and great dangers - are concealed within its walls. Even if you are lucky enough to pass by the guards unnoticed, it's easy enough to get lost in the labyrinth.
Description (not guarded)
A mysterious, ancient structure. Great treasures - and great dangers - are concealed within its walls. Even if you are lucky enough to pass by the guards unnoticed, it's easy enough to get lost in the labyrinth.
Empty (1)
The enemy has decided to assault your fortifications in the province of %s!
Encounter: #381
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 9 (4-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 8
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Fairies and other forest dwellers live in the branches of this magic tree. Word has it that the tree has a secret hollow where the fairies hide their treasures.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Forest Guards (1)
The hero %s has reached a glade with a big magic tree towering in the middle. This enchanted place is a home to fairies and other forest folk, well able to stand up for themselves if necessary. It is rumored that the fey folk hoards countless riches. It is also said every day in their domain is a festival. Amazingly, both rumors seem pretty close to truth.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #401
Surely appears in the province with the type Magical Forest
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 9 (6-11)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: yes
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 10
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Harpies have long inhabited these cliffs. These winged rogues often raid the neighboring settlements, bringing their loot back here.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Winged Creatures (1)
The hero %s has reached a hill that has caught the harpies' fancy. These winged rogues often raid neighboring settlements in search of easy prey. They have plundered many valuables, but will most definitely not give them up easily. Everyone knows that harpies are greedy for gold, perhaps the hero will succeed in recruiting some of them into his party.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #410
Surely appears in the province with the type Empty Hills
Triggers the event #586 with the chance 80%
Changes the gold income by -10%
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 10 (7-13)
Min province circle: 2
Works when hidden: yes
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 10
Description (guarded)
Trolls lurk in this reeking cave. Who knows when they feel like getting out and treating themselves to fresh human meat?
Description (not guarded)
Trolls lurk in this smelly cave. Who knows when they feel like getting out and treating themselves to fresh human meat?
Trolls (1)
The hero %s has reached a huge hole in between the quagmires. Judging by the horrible stink and sounds coming from inside, it's a troll lair. The scouts who investigated the hole have returned with their report:
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #416
Guard level is always 1
Surely appears in the province with the type Troll Swamps
Triggers the event #584 with the chance 80%
Triggers the event #877 with the chance 80%
Changes the gold income by -20%
Changes the population growth by -2
After the victory comes the encounter #419
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 22
Hills: 7
Swamps: 12
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Empty (1)
While exploring the province of %s, the hero %s has found a hidden coffer of magic gems. Your supply of gems is increased by %d.
Encounter: #420
Levels: 1-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 6
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Empty (1)
While exploring the province of %s, the hero %s has found a hidden coffer of magic gems. Your supply of gems is increased by %d.
Encounter: #432
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
An enormous magical crystal that connects the Astral plane with the Material plane. According to an ancient legend, here the astral spirits can give quests to mortal heroes.
Description (not guarded)
An enormous magical crystal that connects the Astral plane with the Material plane. According to an ancient legend, here the astral spirits can give quests to mortal heroes.
Empty (1)
The enemy has decided to assault your fortifications in the province of %s!
Encounter: #438
Repeatable quest
Levels: 1-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 8 (3-17)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 2
Forests: 3
Hills: 2
Swamps: 4
Description (guarded)
This ancient sanctuary used to be a place of worship of some long-forgotten gods. If you defeat the guards, the local population will be able to come here to pray or call to the gods for help.
Description (not guarded)
Locals come to this sacred place to pray and perform holy rituals. Population mood +1.
Undead (5)
Demons (5)
Clerics (12)
Knightly Order (5)
Inquisitors (8)
Demonologists (5)
Medusas (4)
Monster Catchers (1)
Hell Cohort (2)
Druids (4)
Dark Priestesses (2)
Death Servants (3)
Gnolls (2)
Horde of Shamans (2)
Alkaryl (3)
Fanatics (2)
Sabbath (2)
Mercenaries (1)
Armada (1)
The hero %s has reached an ancient shrine. In the days of old, an ancient people worshipped their gods in here, but now this place is favored by some new residents. It is possible the hidden caches of the shrine still keep the ancient artifacts that belonged to its former owners, but you'll have to fight the guards to obtain them.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Changes the mood of the residents by 1
Levels: 1-10
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 7 (4-10)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: yes
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 6
Forests: 5
Hills: 4
Swamps: 3
Description (guarded)
Thieves and hustlers of all sorts gather here to discuss their dark deeds. Decreases province income, increases corruption and crime rate.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Bandits (2)
The hero %s has reached the local Thieves Guild. Rogues and swindlers from all over the province gather here to exchange news and plan their new crimes. To raid this hotbed of crime may be a noble aspiration, but it won't be an easy one - the building is well defended.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Changes the gold income by -30%
Triggers the event #723 with the chance 60%
Triggers the event #745 with the chance 20%
Changes corruption in the province by 10%
After the victory comes the encounter #459
Levels: 1-10
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
By agreement, you permit thieves to gather in here. Income +5. Population mood -1. Increases corruption and crime rate.
Description (not guarded)
By agreement, you permit thieves to gather in here. Income +5. Population mood -1. Increases corruption and crime rate. You can hire an army of outlaws here.
Empty (1)
Encounter: #1266
Increases the income: gold by 5, crystals by 0
Changes the mood of the residents by -1
Triggers the event #723 with the chance 60%
Triggers the event #745 with the chance 30%
Changes corruption in the province by 10%
Levels: 0-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 10
Hills: 0
Swamps: 10
Description (guarded)
A vile witch feared and hated by the local population lives in this hut. The old crone pays you a fair tribute in gems. Gem income +2. Population mood -1.
Description (not guarded)
A vile witch feared and hated by the local population lives in this hut. The old crone pays you a fair tribute in gems. Gem income +2. Population mood -1.
Empty (1)
The enemy has decided to assault your fortifications in the province of %s!
Encounter: #462
Increases the income: gold by 0, crystals by 2
Changes the mood of the residents by -1
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 8 (4-10)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 10
Forests: 10
Hills: 10
Swamps: 10
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Adventurers (1)
The hero %s has approached a team of adventurers. Considering their tired yet satisfied expressions, they are returning from a quest, carrying some valuable loot along. You could try to take their spoils away from them, but probably not without a fight...
Number of adventurers: %d.
The following units were spotted in the party: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #469
Instead of the standard dialog will be triggered dialog #995. The site will be removed after detection.
Levels: 0-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 13
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Empty (1)
The enemy has decided to assault your fortifications in the province of %s!
Encounter: #475
Surely appears in the province with the type Magical Forest
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 6 (3-10)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 4
Hills: 3
Swamps: 4
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Clerics (3)
Fanatics (1)
The hero %s has approached the monastery building. Although the monastery appears to be ancient, it is obviously inhabited, and today is clearly a public day, for numerous pilgrims are waiting at the entrance, kept under vigilant watch by the monastery guard.
Number of guards: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #487
Instead of the standard dialog will be triggered dialog #1027. The site will be removed after detection.
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 11 (8-14)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 11
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Trolls (1)
After he gets closer, but still a safe distance away, the hero %s can see what the trolls are dragging - a heavy iron-bound chest.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #487
Instead of the standard dialog will be triggered dialog #1055. The site will be removed after detection.
Levels: 1-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 10
Forests: 0
Hills: 6
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Farmstead dwellers pay you a fair tribute of 3 gold per turn.
Description (not guarded)
Farmstead dwellers pay you a fair tribute of 3 gold per turn.
Empty (1)
While exploring the province of %s, the hero %s has found a hidden coffer of magic gems. Your supply of gems is increased by %d.
Encounter: #495
Increases the income: gold by 3, crystals by 0
Levels: 1-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Trading with the farmers grants you +1 gold per turn.
Description (not guarded)
Trading with the farmers grants you +1 gold per turn.
Empty (1)
Increases the income: gold by 1, crystals by 0
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (1-13)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 120
Description (guarded)
The pool's marshy banks are speckled with magic gems.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Goblins (1)
Swamp Creatures (3)
Swamp Dwellers (2)
Dark Druids (2)
Trolls (2)
Monster Breeders (2)
Medusas (3)
Swamp Guards (2)
Hydra (1)
Slugs (1)
Lizardmen (1)
Monstrologists (1)
Dark Priestesses (1)
The hero %s has approached a pool hidden in the bogs. Its banks are strewn with magic gems. Unfortunately, these places attract all kinds of swamp creatures, so you'll have to fight for the magic stones.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 2. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (0*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(2-3)
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 12
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 4
Forests: 5
Hills: 4
Swamps: 4
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Golems (1)
%s makes his way towards the trader. Seeing the hero, the merchant bows politely and makes an inviting gesture, suggesting that the hero take a look at his goods. The trader is accompanied by several golems carrying his luggage. There is no doubt that the massive stone creatures will defend their master if needed.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #664
Instead of the standard dialog will be triggered dialog #1442. The site will be removed after detection.
Traveling merchant
Levels: 0-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 6
Forests: 0
Hills: 12
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
A rare magical plant, dragonroot, grows in this secluded hollow. Harvesting it increases your gem income by 2.
Empty (1)
Encounter: #688
Increases the income: gold by 0, crystals by 2
Levels: 0-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
These fertile lands yield plentiful harvests, increasing gold income from the province by 5.
Empty (1)
Encounter: #688
Increases the income: gold by 5, crystals by 0
Levels: 0-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
Living in such a beautiful place makes the population happy. New residents are more eager to settle in the province. Population mood +1. Increases population growth.
Empty (1)
Encounter: #688
Changes the mood of the residents by 1
Changes the population growth by 1
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 11 (5-18)
Min province circle: 2
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 1
Forests: 3
Hills: 2
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
Old catacombs still guard the treasures of their former keepers. Few people ever dare challenge the guards to try to seize them.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Ancient Guards (5)
Elementals (2)
Elemental Spirits (3)
The hero %s has reached the entrance to some secret catacombs built by a race long gone. If the legends can be trusted, the Ancients kept their most valuable artifacts in such places. Judging by the fact that the sanctuary has not yet been plundered, it must be well defended.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 0-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 5
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Empty (1)
Encounter: #692
Surely appears in the province with the type Savage Wood
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 13
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Well-guarded Witcher abode, where you can hire Witchers. Locals are afraid of the witchers - not without reason, because to recruit Witcher they need their children. Population growth -1. Population mood -1.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Witcher (1)
The Hero %s approaches the stronghold, where witchers, monster-slayers, reside and train. They must certainly have worthy magical trinkets, but they won't give these up without a fight. However, training a new witcher is expensive and dangerous, so they won't pass up the opportunity to earn extra gems.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1004
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Changes the population growth by -1
Changes the mood of the residents by -1
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 14
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Swordmasters are trained here - elite heavy infantry. They are always ready to fight.
Description (not guarded)
Swordmasters are trained here - elite heavy infantry. They are always ready to fight.
Ironclads (1)
The Hero %s approaches the fort, where ironclads, elite heavy infantry, train.
They are happy to serve you, if you pay for their service.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1013
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 13 (8-18)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: yes
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
You can hire an army of demons here. In addition, the power of Chaos are presented in this world through the Gate - it is good source of gems. However, demons - they are demons, and their detachment may well attack the province. In addition, the presence of the Gate has a bad effect on the people. Yields 5 gems per turn. Population growth -1.
Description (not guarded)
Through this Gate you can recruit all kinds of demons into your service. In addition, the power of Chaos are presented in this world through the Gate - it is good source of gems. However, demons - they are demons, and their detachment may well emerge from these gates and attack the province. Yields 5 gems per turn. Population growth -1.
Chaos Legion (1)
The Hero %s approaches the fissure separating the demonic plane from the material. Beyond this fissure dwells the demons who crawl into our plane. If the gates shatter, they will simply seek out a new path. Although the guards are creatures of Chaos, they seem less aggressive than the others - you are able to step closer to the Gates in order to deal with these demons.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1015
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Triggers the event #36 with the chance 35%
Changes the population growth by -1
Guard level is always 1
Increases the income: gold by 0, crystals by 5
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 4
Booty (with guards): 11 (6-15)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
You can hire an elven army here.
Description (not guarded)
You can hire an elven army here.
Elves (1)
The hero %s approaches an Elven citadel - the bastion of elven warriors.
They are ready to be hired, for a fee.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1019
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 4
Booty (with guards): 10 (6-14)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
You can hire an dwarven army here.
Description (not guarded)
You can hire an dwarven army here.
Dwarves (1)
Dwarven Clan (1)
The hero %s approaches a Dwarven citadel.
They are ready to be hired, for a fee.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1021
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 8 (5-12)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
You can hire an orcish army here.
Description (not guarded)
You can hire an orcish army here.
Orcs (1)
The Hero %s approaches the Orcish citadel.
They are ready to be hired, for a fee.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1023
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 9 (5-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
You can hire an lizardmen army here.
Description (not guarded)
You can hire an lizardmen army here.
Lizardmen (1)
The hero %s approaches the Lizardmen citadel.
They are ready to be hired, for a fee.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1025
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 9 (7-11)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
You can hire an centaur army here.
Description (not guarded)
You can hire an centaur army here.
Centaurs (1)
The hero %s approaches the Centaur citadel.
They are ready to be hired, for a fee.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1027
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 8 (4-11)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
You can hire an goblin army here.
Description (not guarded)
You can hire an goblin army here.
Goblins (1)
The hero %s approaches the Goblin citadel.
They are ready to be hired, for a fee.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1029
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 6 (4-9)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
You can hire an halfling army here.
Description (not guarded)
You can hire an halfling army here.
Halflings (1)
The hero %s approaches the Halfling citadel.
They are ready to be hired, for a fee.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1031
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 10
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Stronghold and temple of the Inquisition. Certainly well-guarded. The locals are not too happy about such neighbors - there is not much difference between a witch and a simple peasant for the inquisitors. Population mood -1.
Description (not guarded)
Stronghold and temple of the Inquisition. You can hire their troops here. The locals are not too happy about such neighbors - there is not much difference between a witch and a simple peasant for the inquisitors. Population mood -1.
Monastery Guards (1)
The hero %s approaches the Inquisition's holy monastery.
The monastery, a military stronghold, might contain valuable artifacts that haven't already been plundered by heretics.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1444
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Changes the mood of the residents by -1
Levels: 3-8
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 0
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 6 (3-9)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: yes
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
In this gaming establishment you may win money or gems. However, you can blow up all your money acquired through the hard work. And there is a currency exchange - gems for money (and vice versa). Income +5. Gem income +1.
Description (not guarded)
In this gaming establishment you may win money or gems. However, you can blow up all your money acquired through the hard work. And there is a currency exchange - gems for money (and vice versa). Income +5. Gem income +1.
Empty (1)
The hero %s approaches a gambling establishment sanctioned by local authority figures. You could win a pair of gems, a hundred coins, or... lose. And of course, you can exchange the gems for money, or vice versa.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1035
Increases the income: gold by 5, crystals by 0
Increases the income: gold by 0, crystals by 1
Triggers the event #1677 with the chance 20%
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 0
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 7 (4-10)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
In this gaming establishment you can win valuable items, putting gold with crystals into game. Income +10. Gem income +2.
Description (not guarded)
In this gaming establishment you can win valuable items, putting gold with crystals into game. Income +10. Gem income +2.
Empty (1)
The Hero %s approaches a large booth. Here, with proper permission of course, rich citizens, mages, and alchemists can gamble. They pay with magical artifacts they either created, purchased, or otherwise "acquired". ThroughAh negotiation, you can win these items if you bet gold and gems. Of course, the value of those items corresponds to your bet.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1066
Increases the income: gold by 10, crystals by 0
Increases the income: gold by 0, crystals by 2
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 4
Booty (with guards): 9 (6-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
You can hire an army of dark elves here.
Description (not guarded)
You can hire an army of dark elves here.
Dark Elves (1)
Slavedrivers (1)
The hero %s approaches the underground citadel of the Dark Elves - the Drow.
They are ready to be hired, for a fee.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1082
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 4
Booty (with guards): 9 (6-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
You can hire an army of dark elves here.
Description (not guarded)
You can hire an army of dark elves here.
Dark Elves (1)
Slavedrivers (1)
After performing the Chaos ritual, a Mocker appears inside the pentagram, ready to serve its new master.
Encounter: #1084
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 2-4
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 7
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 12
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
This place is considered as home of Kobolds and they will defend it to the end.
Description (not guarded)
The mine is producing something useful now. What is it - you don't really care. The main thing is - it makes money. Income +1.
Kobolds (1)
The Hero %s approaches the entrance to an abandoned mine. In such places lurk small underground creatures known as kobolds. They won't flee from the mine without a fight.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Increases the income: gold by 1, crystals by 0
Levels: 1-4
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 4 (2-5)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
A secret place where bandits are hiding. Perhaps there is something of value.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Gang of Robbers (1)
The hero %s locates a secret lair of bandits - an outpost of sorts, it seems. There appears to be a hoard of treasures guarded.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Surely appears in the province with the type Brigand Outlaws
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 4
Booty (with guards): 16
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 3
Hills: 3
Swamps: 5
Description (guarded)
The great evil lives here - a great danger to all living things.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Lord of the Dead (1)
The hero %s approaches a gloomy tomb. The ancient unrelenting evil inside poisons the air.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Triggers the event #727 with the chance 10%
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 4
Booty (with guards): 16
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 5
Forests: 3
Hills: 5
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
A beautiful building protected by the Messenger of Light, there is likely good artifacts somewhere inside.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Avatar of Light (1)
The hero %s approaches a magnificent temple. It contains a strong garrison of troops led by a harbinger of Light.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 5
Booty (with guards): 15
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 2
Forests: 2
Hills: 1
Swamps: 3
Description (guarded)
The ruins of old buildings, nobody has ever searched it so all valuables are likely untouched.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Elementals (1)
The hero %s approaches a magical outpost that appears to merge various ruined outputs of the Elemental Plane. Once, these ruined structures were magnificent buildings. The elemental beings guarding this outpost won't give up their grounds without a fight.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 11
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 1
Forests: 1
Hills: 2
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
Mysterious astral creatures live here. Beautiful and dangerous.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Faerie Dragons (1)
The hero %s approaches an abode that belongs to a magical dragon. Being able to poke around inside such a location will be easy... Once the inhabitants are dealt with.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 4
Booty (with guards): 14
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 1
Forests: 1
Hills: 2
Swamps: 2
Description (guarded)
A mighty and eccentric magician lives here. There are the most incredible rumors about his power.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Lord of Phantoms (1)
THe hero %s approaches a mysterious tower. Rumors speak of a powerful magician who dwells within. If this is true, plundering this tower will be quite a challenge.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 5
Booty (with guards): 19 (16-22)
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 3
Hills: 3
Swamps: 3
Description (guarded)
The ancient evil lingering here guards a valuable treasure. Claiming this hoard will not be easy.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Lich (1)
The hero %s approaches a dark, colossal fortress. The obsidian brick-slabs encompass the unknown number of inhabitants completely, and a malevolent aura looms in the air as you step closer to the structure.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Triggers the event #727 with the chance 10%
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 5
Booty (with guards): 23
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 3
Hills: 3
Swamps: 3
Description (guarded)
The mighty stronghold of demons, to destroy that will not be easy.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Chaos Lord (1)
The hero %s approaches a rather sinister, crude spire. The sigil of Chaos surround its exterior - seizing this structure will be a challenging endeavour. One of the deadliest of Chaos minions guards the entrance. Even if one could safely enter the tower, who knows what lurks above and beneath.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Triggers the event #36 with the chance 5%
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): -20
Booty (with guards): 0
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 5
Hills: 3
Swamps: 3
Description (guarded)
Monsters that live here are not happy with your invasion. The battle will be hard. The contents of the treasury would be quite useful to a Scout.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Monsters (1)
The hero %s approaches a nefarious lair of monsters. Their bellowing roars from within send chills down your spine. It is unquestionable how many adventurers were slain while investigating this lair, thus, there must be trinkets of value here.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
After the victory comes the encounter #1216
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): -20
Booty (with guards): 0
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 3
Hills: 5
Swamps: 3
Description (guarded)
Powerful dwarven artillery certainly protects the large treasure. The contents of the treasury would be quite useful to a Commander.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Dwarven Artillery (1)
The hero %s approaches a fortress towering over the surrounding terrain. Judging from the fragments of steel and stone scattered around, it becomes clear that these are from dwarven machinery. Sudden movement alerts you - the dwarves have detected you.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
After the victory comes the encounter #1217
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): -20
Booty (with guards): 0
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 3
Hills: 3
Swamps: 5
Description (guarded)
One of the most powerful creatures dwells here, and it will take great effort and a large army to defeat it. The lair's hoard might prove quite useful to your hero.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Tarrasque (1)
The hero %s approaches a notorious lair containing one of the most ancient creatures throughout all of Eador: The dreaded tarrasque. There must certainly be exquisite trophies to plunder here, but with great rewards come greater challenges.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
After the victory comes the encounter #1218
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): -20
Booty (with guards): 0
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 5
Forests: 3
Hills: 3
Swamps: 3
Description (guarded)
Wizards have decided to live and study here, and would never give it up without a fight. The contents of the treasury would be quite useful to a Wizard.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Magicians (1)
The hero %s approaches a tower emanating a magical aura. It is a magnificent structure where various practitioners of the arcane arts conduct their research and exchange information. This should hold an interesting cache of valuables.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
After the victory comes the encounter #1219
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 10 (6-15)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
You can hire an army of gnolls here.
Description (not guarded)
You can hire an army of gnolls here.
Gnolls (1)
The hero %s approaches a stronghold, home to fierce gnolls.
They are ready to be hired, for a fee.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1240
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 4-7
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (2-11)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
This used to be a city of the Ancients. Who knows - perhaps, the ruins are still guarding the secrets of their former dwellers?
Description (not guarded)
No description
Undead (1)
The hero %s has approached the deserted ruins of a city of the Ancients. Often, an ancient artifact or some treasures hidden by the current occupants of the ruins can be found in such places. Scouting has revealed that the ancient ruins are not as deserted as they may have appeared at first sight.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 10 (5-15)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
You can hire an Alkari army here.
Description (not guarded)
You can hire an Alkari army here.
Alkaryl (1)
The hero %s approaches the tower, which the commanders of the winged hosts chose for their seat.
They are ready to be hired, for a fee.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1275
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 3-10
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 6 (4-8)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 10
Forests: 10
Hills: 10
Swamps: 10
Description (guarded)
This is an old and luxurious mansion that certainly contain something of value, the remnants of its last living masters.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Vampires (3)
Ghosts (3)
Banshee (1)
Dark Skeletons (2)
The hero %s approaches the secluded mansion. The inhabitants of the province tell all kinds of horror stories about it that do not seem unfounded: scouting has revealed that the building is currently inhabited, yet there is no one particularly alive.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 3-8
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 2
Forests: 3
Hills: 5
Swamps: 1
Description (guarded)
A ghastly beast that attacks all living things lives here. Maybe he really is not that scary?
Description (not guarded)
A ghastly beast that attacks all living things lives here. Maybe he really is not that scary?
Empty (1)
Encounter: #1305
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (2-9)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 10
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Inhospitable dark hollow that all other forest dwellers give a wide berth and will surely have something unusual in store.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Black Unicorns (1)
The hero %s approaches a small hollow. It's gloomy and one cannot see the sky. But he notices that an unusual creature lives here, and it also seems to notice the hero.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (1-12)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 90
Forests: 90
Hills: 90
Swamps: 90
Description (guarded)
This used to be a city of the Ancients. Who knows - perhaps, the ruins are still guarding the secrets of their former dwellers?
Description (not guarded)
No description
Brigands (5)
Orcs (5)
Demons (5)
Centaurs (5)
Medusas (5)
Hell Cohort (3)
Demonologists (5)
Monster Catchers (2)
Lizardmen (5)
Gnolls (4)
Great Cyclops (2)
The hero %s has approached the deserted ruins of a city of the Ancients. Often, an ancient artifact or some treasures hidden by the current occupants of the ruins can be found in such places. Scouting has revealed that the ancient ruins are not as deserted as they may have appeared at first sight.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 7 (2-16)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 90
Forests: 90
Hills: 90
Swamps: 60
Description (guarded)
Prisoners were usually locked up in the dungeons beneath such towers. Sometimes, the spoils of war were stored there as well.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Goblins (5)
Demons (4)
Minotaurs (4)
Knightly Order (4)
Gargoyles (4)
Monster Catchers (1)
Hell Cohort (3)
Alkaryl (3)
Skeletal Pack (2)
Mercenaries (2)
Armada (2)
Great Cyclops (1)
White Mage (1)
The hero %s has approached a half-destroyed ancient tower. The inhabitants of the old citadel have noticed him and are preparing for battle.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (2-12)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 9
Forests: 15
Hills: 15
Swamps: 25
Description (guarded)
If you defeat the guards, this monolith will create 2 gems per turn for you.
Description (not guarded)
Magical energy stored by the monolith increases your gem supply by 2 per turn.
Demons (4)
Clerics (4)
Dark Elves (2)
Inquisitors (3)
Druids (3)
Gargoyles (3)
Hell Cohort (2)
Elementals (2)
Alkaryl (2)
Fanatics (1)
Elemental Spirits (2)
The hero %s has reached a monolith covered with ancient runes. These rocks are known to collect magical energy, which could be easily converted into magic gems. But before you can use this monolith, you'll have to defeat its guards.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Increases the income: gold by 0, crystals by 2
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 15 (5-20)
Min province circle: 2
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 1
Forests: 2
Hills: 1
Swamps: 3
Description (guarded)
This ancient sanctuary used to be a place of worship of some long-forgotten gods. If you defeat the guards, the local population will be able to come here to pray or call to the gods for help.
Description (not guarded)
Locals come to this sacred place to pray and perform holy rituals. Population mood +1.
Cult of the Hydra (1)
Dragon Cult (1)
Phoenix Cult (1)
Cult of the Giant (1)
Cult of Fire (1)
Cult of Water (1)
Cult of Air (1)
Cult of Earth (1)
Guards of Ages (1)
Spider Cult (1)
Cult of Power (1)
Rock Guards (1)
Cult of the Devil (1)
Elementals (1)
Armada (1)
Guards of Secrets (1)
Rat King (1)
Elemental Spirits (1)
The hero %s has reached an ancient shrine. In the days of old, an ancient people worshipped their gods in here, but now this place is favored by some new residents. It is possible the hidden caches of the shrine still keep the ancient artifacts that belonged to its former owners, but you'll have to fight the guards to obtain them.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Changes the mood of the residents by 1
Levels: 4-10
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 14 (7-19)
Min province circle: 2
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 15
Forests: 20
Hills: 10
Swamps: 15
Description (guarded)
This temple has long been abandoned. Something valuable surely must have been left behind by its former keepers.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Mercenaries (3)
Armada (2)
Cult of the Hydra (1)
Dragon Cult (1)
Phoenix Cult (1)
Cult of the Giant (1)
Cult of Fire (1)
Guards of Ages (1)
Cult of Water (1)
Spider Cult (1)
Cult of Power (1)
Rock Guards (1)
Cult of Air (1)
Cult of Earth (1)
Guards of Secrets (1)
Cult of the Devil (1)
Rat King (1)
White Mage (1)
While searching for treasures, the hero %s has approached an ancient temple. This old shrine only seemed abandoned from afar - its guards have noticed the uninvited guest and are preparing for battle.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 10 (6-17)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 5
Forests: 7
Hills: 3
Swamps: 5
Description (guarded)
In this well-fortified stronghold warriors live and rest that do not currently serve in the armies of one of the Masters.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Mercenaries (7)
Armada (3)
Siege Engineers (2)
Monstrologists (1)
The hero %s approaches a well-fortified stronghold, home to the Mercenary Guild. It is considered neutral territory and recruiters are not welcome here.
Coming too close would be considered an aggression, and the Guild's multitudes would rise to its defense.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Guard level is always 2
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 4-7
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 7 (2-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 6
Forests: 4
Hills: 13
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Among the stores of local inhabitants something of value can be found.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Dungeon dwellers (1)
The hero %s has reached the entrance to a huge underground cave. It looks like there's something hidden. Judging by the tracks, drilling operations were performed here recently, but it's not clear who occupies the cave now.
Suddenly you hear skirring noises - they seem to be coming closer.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-10
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 9 (4-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 4
Forests: 6
Hills: 11
Swamps: 7
Description (guarded)
In these twisting tunnels certainly there are treasures from ancient times to be found.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Pack of Ratmen (3)
Seekers Clan (3)
Rat King (1)
The hero %s has reached the entrance to some ancient catacombs. Going further he discovers riddles, treasures, powerful artifacts, traps, plagues, poisons...
This looks and feels like ratmen! As if on cue, he hears the echo of squeaks and squeals - it sounds like they're eager to defend their home.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (2-12)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 16
Forests: 8
Hills: 12
Swamps: 8
Description (guarded)
A waterlogged and muddy maze of dark, dirt and stink.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Swamp Creatures (4)
Slugs (3)
Monster Catchers (1)
The hero %s has reached the entrance to some old and abandoned sewers that are even flooded in some places. It is so dilapidated that even ratmen don't want to live here. Something does however - judging by the sounds that echo through the tunnels. Out of the darkness, the local residents reveal themselves.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Triggers the event #1143 with the chance 75%
Levels: 3-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 7 (4-10)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: yes
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: no
Plains: 4
Forests: 2
Hills: 6
Swamps: 3
Description (guarded)
Burrow inhabited by Ratmen. Now that they are on their own, you can try to subdue them.
Description (not guarded)
Burrow inhabited by Ratmen. You can hire an army of ratmen here. Income -10%. Population mood -1.
Pack of Ratmen (1)
Seekers Clan (1)
The hero %s has reached the entrance to the sewerage. This is not populated by your usual sewer inhabitants though - it is now used as a ratman lair. There may be a lot of treasure. The lair's defenders are prepared to arrange a warm welcome for their visitors.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1348
Changes the gold income by -10%
Changes the mood of the residents by -1
After the victory comes the encounter #1351
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 14
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 3
Hills: 3
Swamps: 3
Description (guarded)
Hidden amidst cobwebbed dungeons the Ratman have lived in this town for a long time. Real treasures can be found here, but will the current owners give them up so easily?
Description (not guarded)
No description
Grey Council (1)
The hero %s has found a secret underground ratman city and approaches the entrance with care. There are clearly rich spoils to be found, but it will not be easy. The city's guards are lined up for battle.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (2-12)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 16
Forests: 12
Hills: 12
Swamps: 12
Description (guarded)
A tunnel system for wastewater. It may not be as uninhabited as you would like.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Swamp Creatures (2)
Pack of Ratmen (2)
Slugs (2)
Monster Breeders (1)
Seekers Clan (2)
Monster Catchers (1)
The hero %s has reached the entrance to the sewerage. It doesn't seem to be abandoned - the many traces of the local residents remove any doubts. While you decide to leave or stay, they arrive...
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Triggers the event #1143 with the chance 50%
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 7 (2-16)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 8
Forests: 12
Hills: 20
Swamps: 12
Description (guarded)
In these twisting tunnels certainly there are treasures from ancient times to be found.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Undead (4)
Necromancers (4)
Witch Circle (3)
Adventurers (4)
Demonologists (4)
Ancient Guards (3)
Dark Elves (3)
Kobolds (2)
Slavedrivers (3)
Illithids (1)
Tomb Guardians (2)
Skeletal Pack (2)
Sabbath (2)
Lycans (1)
The hero %s has reached the entrance to some ancient catacombs. The old tunnels still guard many secrets of the past - and treasures. This included their present inhabitants, who are now approaching the hero.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 7 (4-10)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Ratman building, erected with your permission. You can hire Shadow Claws here. Unfortunately the Ratmen go way beyond the budget you permitted, and all the necessary materials and supplies are stolen from the locals. Reduce province gold income by 50%. Population mood -2.
Description (not guarded)
Ratman building, erected with your permission. You can hire Shadow Claws here. Unfortunately the Ratmen go way beyond the budget you permitted, and all the necessary materials and supplies are stolen from the locals. Reduce province gold income by 50%. Population mood -2.
Pack of Ratmen (1)
Seekers Clan (1)
The hero %s approaches the structure the ratmen built with your permission.
Surely some local ratman is ready to go with you.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1352
Changes the gold income by -50%
Changes the mood of the residents by -2
Levels: 5-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 7 (4-10)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Ratman building, erected with your permission. You can hire Plague Warriors here. Unfortunately the Ratmen go way beyond the budget you permitted, and all the necessary materials and supplies are stolen from the locals. Reduce province gold income by 50%. Population mood -2.
Description (not guarded)
Ratman building, erected with your permission. You can hire Plague Warriors here. Unfortunately the Ratmen go way beyond the budget you permitted, and all the necessary materials and supplies are stolen from the locals. Reduce province gold income by 50%. Population mood -2.
Pack of Ratmen (1)
Seekers Clan (1)
The hero %s approaches the structure the ratmen built with your permission.
Surely some local ratman is ready to go with you.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Encounter: #1354
Changes the gold income by -50%
Changes the mood of the residents by -2
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 4
Booty (with guards): 14
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 3
Hills: 3
Swamps: 5
Description (guarded)
An old refuge of the Conclave, this tower now inspires fear - it is inhabited by mighty wizards who have chosen the path of darkness.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Dark Conclave (1)
The hero %s nears the tower. It used to be a Conclave of Mages, where they studied and practiced their magic. This still continues, but the magic studied has changed and not all mages are actually alive. The mages inhabiting the tower, alive or not, will protect themselves against any attack.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 14
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 3
Hills: 5
Swamps: 3
Description (guarded)
One of the many fortresses of the Great Empire, owned by Lord Daokon. It still holds the treasures of that ancient realm.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Great Armada (1)
The hero %s approaches the citadel, once one of the strongholds of the former Daokon Lords . After the fall of the Great Empire monstrologists settled here, and started breeding mighty animals - elephants. They have lived here for many years, and no one has yet managed to drive them out of the fortress.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 4
Booty (with guards): 14
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 5
Forests: 5
Hills: 3
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Stronghold of the Order of Paladins, their residence, temple, training ground and the treasury of the Order.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Order of Light (1)
The hero %s approaches the citadelof the Paladin Order. New recruits are trained here, and spoils of war are kept safe here - gold, gems and powerful artifacts. It would be nice to get hold of these riches, but the defenders of the citadel probably won't be inclined to humor us. In fact, Paladins are one of the strongest warriors in Eador.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 9 (2-20)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 30
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Something glitters in the darkness of the cave. It could be gemstones. Or, more likely, some creatures' hungry eyes.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Giants (5)
Ogres (3)
Cyclops (2)
Dragon (3)
Dragons (2)
Wing of Dragons (1)
Monster Catchers (2)
Wild Gryphons (3)
Trolls (4)
Gnolls (3)
Sabbath (1)
White Mage (1)
Dungeon dwellers (1)
The hero %s has reached the entrance of a dark cave. This place is in bad repute with the locals for a reason - the cave is obviously inhabited, and its inhabitants don't look very friendly.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 3-10
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 0
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 11 (6-18)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
By contract, local inhabitants are sold as slaves to wealthy residents of the province, which generates a steady income. Income +8. Population mood -2. Decreases population growth.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Bandits (4)
Mercenaries (2)
Armada (1)
The hero %s approaches the Slavers Guild - a place where slaves are awaiting their sale or shipment to other provinces. They make up a contract, pay you the agreed amount, and then go about their business.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Guard level is always 2
Increases the income: gold by 8, crystals by 0
Changes the population growth by -3
Changes the mood of the residents by -2
Levels: 4-10
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (1-15)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 40
Forests: 30
Hills: 50
Swamps: 10
Description (guarded)
Long-abandoned by its masters, the secrets they left behind are still there be found. As are its present inhabitants.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Orcs (4)
Dwarves (4)
Dwarven Clan (3)
Retinue (4)
Bandits (3)
Runemasters (2)
Knightly Order (3)
Demonologists (3)
Gnolls (3)
Mercenaries (1)
Armada (1)
Witch Circle (2)
Great Cyclops (1)
Rebels (1)
The hero %s approaches a small fortress, long abandoned by its first hosts. Although all that remains is mostly in ruins, it might be worth searching the place. There is one problem however - its new owners won't allow that. Their belongings will make some excellent spoils of war though.
Intelligence reports:
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (1-15)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 60
Forests: 20
Hills: 70
Swamps: 30
Description (guarded)
It's a solid, sturdy and well-guarded tower. Useful things could definitely be found there.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Brigands (6)
Orcs (6)
Retinue (5)
Necromancers (4)
Adventurers (4)
Inquisitors (4)
Dark Elves (4)
Gnolls (4)
Alkaryl (7)
Mercenaries (2)
Fanatics (1)
Witch Circle (3)
Rebels (1)
The hero %s approaches a fairly strong, relatively new and well protected tower. The inhabitants of the tower have noticed him and are preparing for battle.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 4
Booty (with guards): 16
Min province circle: 3
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 3
Hills: 3
Swamps: 5
Description (guarded)
Ancient and half-ruined temple, cursed by gods and humans alike - not a place where treasure can easily be obtained. But it will be there, waiting for the brave.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Cult of Necrus (1)
The hero %s approaches an old and dilapidated temple that has been in ruins for a long time - yet is it inhabited. This place was chosen as a safe haven by some powerful and dark spellcasters, who have surrounded themselves with good defenders.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 3-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 9 (4-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: yes
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 3
Forests: 7
Hills: 5
Swamps: 8
Description (guarded)
A place where once upon a time sacrifices were made, the Altar of Chaos is now heavily guarded, for there are valuable things to be found. Population growth -1.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Army of Chaos (5)
Demonologists (1)
Hell Cohort (1)
The hero %s approaches an altar erected for sacrifices to Chaos. It is possible that the altar once was a full-fledged Gate, which was then destroyed - a good thing, but difficult too, because it's well protected now.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Changes the population growth by -1
Levels: 3-10
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 9 (4-10)
Min province circle: 2
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 4
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
This is the place the dark elves call home. The Drow will not allow anyone to plunder their home and they're ever vigilant and ready to defend it.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Drow Warriors (2)
Drow Mages (2)
Dark Priestesses (1)
The hero %s has found a well camouflaged city of dark elves and approaches the entrance with care. Raiding it will will certainly be profitable, if only we can overcome the defenses.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6 (1-14)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 10
Forests: 15
Hills: 15
Swamps: 25
Description (guarded)
Some deity is worshiped here, and not the benevolent kind - regular sacrifices can be observed, from a safe distance of course. Population growth -1.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Barbarians (2)
Goblins (2)
Orcs (2)
Battlemages (3)
Necromancers (3)
Dark Druids (3)
Spellcasters (2)
Demonologists (4)
Dark Elves (3)
Horde of Shamans (3)
Death Servants (3)
Seekers Clan (3)
Witch Circle (5)
Great Cyclops (2)
Sabbath (2)
Dark Priestesses (1)
The hero %s approaches a place of worship to some dark god. A lot of innocent blood was spilled here in the name of an evil deity, whose idol towers over his sanctuary. And the servants of the god are clearly not allowing their evil lord to be disturbed.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Changes the population growth by -1
Levels: 2-5
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 4
Forests: 8
Hills: 6
Swamps: 11
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Empty (1)
While exploring the province of %s, the hero %s has found a hidden coffer of magic gems. Your supply of gems is increased by %d.
Encounter: #1385
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 4
Booty (with guards): 14 (9-19)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: yes
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Greatly decreases population growth. A host of demons might emerge from these gates and attack the province.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Chaos Legion (1)
The hero %s has reached the huge Gates leading into the world of Chaos. The enormous passage suggests that the Gates will continually spew new demons. Not only that, they are strongly protected - creatures of Chaos roam nearby.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Triggers the event #36 with the chance 75%
Changes the population growth by -3
Guard level is always 3
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 3
Booty (with guards): 13
Min province circle: 2
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 2
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
This part of the forest is as old as Eador itself, and about it all kinds of stories are being told. But they all end badly for those who dare to enter.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Thicket Guards (1)
The hero %s approaches an ancient thicket that has survived even the times of the Great Cataclysm. It is unknown what preserved the forest and its inhabitants from destruction, but there may very well be something of value at this place. The thicket does have its guardians however, who cannot fail to notice the arrival of strangers.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 4-10
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 8 (4-13)
Min province circle: 1
Works when hidden: yes
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 2
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Gathering pace of the ferocious Gnolls. Who knows what may be found here, rummaging around in the catacombs under the temples.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Gnolls (1)
The hero %s approaches the huge pyramid, a sacred place for the Gnoll. It is here that the various tribes gather for council, deciding on who they will plunder. Part of their produce needs to be sacrificed to the dark gods, to bless those executing the raid - and according to the gnoll, the dark gods reside here.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Triggers the event #1346 with the chance 30%
Surely appears in the province with the type Gnoll Lands
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 7 (2-13)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Mages have cloistered themselves inside to perform their secret rituals and experiments. They kidnapped some Elfmaids.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Battlemages (13)
Witch Circle (7)
Necromancers (4)
Spellcasters (8)
Drow Mages (2)
Dark Druids (4)
Dark Priestesses (5)
Demonologists (3)
The hero %s has reached a strange-looking magic tower. Several mages have secluded themselves here, experimenting with forbidden sorcery. They must possess rare scrolls or powerful artifacts. But they'll never give them up without a fight.
Your aides say that the mages living here kidnapped some elf maidens.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Guard level is always 1
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 0-0
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 1
Booty (with guards): 7 (4-10)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: yes
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Decreases province income. The brigands who dwell in here may carry out plundering raids. They stole some Dwarven relics.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Bandits (1)
The hero %s has reached a lair of brigands. From here, the scoundrels make their insolent raids on your settlement and send out small parties to rob traders. If you destroy this nest of vipers, the province's economy will be improved.
Your aides say that the bandits living here stole some Dwarven relics.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Guard level is always 1
Triggers the event #16 with the chance 80%
Changes the gold income by -30%
Triggers the event #689 with the chance 80%
Levels: 1-4
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-9)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
The rabble that lives here does not give too much trouble. At least not yet...
Description (not guarded)
No description
Rebels (10)
Brigands (6)
Barbarians (1)
The hero %s approaches the suspicious building, something vaguely resembling a den of robbers. It looks like the criminals here might be of the most unrespected kind, and it will probably be worth cleaning out this nest of riffraff as quickly as possible. Scouting results:
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (2*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Surely appears in the province with the type Capital
Levels: 0-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 5
Forests: 5
Hills: 6
Swamps: 8
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Empty (1)
Encounter: #1408
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 7 (2-11)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
This temple has long been abandoned, and has now turned into a demons lair.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Demons (1)
The hero %s has reached an ancient shrine. Inside this old shrine he can seen glimpses of flickering light casting ugly silhouettes. It seems to be a den of demons.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 8 (3-12)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
This was once a lively town, but it is now occupied by demonologists and their summoned creatures of Chaos.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Demonologists (1)
The hero %s approaches the ruins of an ancient city. Among the ruins of the ancient city demons lurk, obedient to the will of sorcerers of Chaos, and the air is filled with terrible shrieking.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 4-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 10 (5-15)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
Decreases population growth. A host of demons might emerge from these gates and attack the province.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Chaos Legion (1)
The hero %s has reached the terrible gates leading beyond the confines of the Creation. It's through portals like these the demons come into this world. If the gates are destroyed, Evil will have to find another way in. No wonder they are guarded by spawns of Chaos.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Guard level is always 1
Triggers the event #36 with the chance 50%
Changes the population growth by -2
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 10 (6-15)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: yes
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: yes
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
In this place Dark Druids openly breed every creature imaginable. In order to appease you, they regularly pay taxes to the treasury. Are such neighbors perhaps too dangerous? Income +4. Yields 1 gem per turn. Population mood -1. Decreases population growth.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Dark Druids (1)
The hero %s approaches the place where the dark druids publicly breed and sell all sorts of monsters. And of course they are not too happy with the hero's visit, so any attempt at peaceful conversation fails miserably.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Increases the income: gold by 4, crystals by 1
Triggers the event #1787 with the chance 80%
Changes the population growth by -2
Guard level is always 3
Changes the mood of the residents by -1
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 6
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
The Hydra that recently settled here has caused a lot of suffering among the province's population.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Hydra (1)
The hero %s has headed into an unexplored part of the local forest. Oddly enough, you stumble upon a creature that should not be there.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 2. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (0*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(2-3)
Levels: 0-12
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 4
Forests: 4
Hills: 3
Swamps: 4
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Empty (1)
Encounter: #1420
Levels: 5-12
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 2
Booty (with guards): 10 (6-15)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
The powerful warlock that lives here considers all the surrounding land his own and terrorizes the local population. The people live in fear and pay their dues. Population mood -1.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Warlock (1)
The hero %s approaches an ancient crypt. It looks like a burial vault of some ancient ruler or great warrior, and one is sure to find something valuable among the belongings of the deceased... A powerful warlock has made this into his lair. Scouting results:
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Changes the mood of the residents by -1
Changes the gold income by -50%
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 3
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
The goblins who robbed the Drow are hiding here. Beholder eggs are likely to be found here.
Description (not guarded)
No description
Goblins Thieves (1)
The hero %s approaches an ancient crypt. It looks like it was the tomb of an ancient ruler or a great warrior. It now harbors the greenskinned thieves who robbed the Drow. Scouting results:
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the guards: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
Levels: 0-8
Chance of guard presence: 0
Type: 2
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4 (1-7)
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 8
Forests: 11
Hills: 6
Swamps: 4
Description (guarded)
No description
Description (not guarded)
No description
Empty (1)
Encounter: #1468
Surely appears in the province with the type Savage Wood
Levels: 1-8
Chance of guard presence: 100
Type: 1
Booty (site): 0
Booty (with guards): 4
Min province circle: 0
Works when hidden: no
Works when guarded: no
Works when not guarded: no
Can be entered: no
Disappears after leaving: yes
Plains: 0
Forests: 0
Hills: 0
Swamps: 0
Description (guarded)
The Drow who decided to rob the Goblins have yet to come out of the cave. Perhaps you want to go inside?
Description (not guarded)
No description
Drow Expedition (1)
The hero %s has reached the entrance of a dark cave. This place is in bad repute with the locals for a reason - the cave is obviously inhabited, and its inhabitants don't look very friendly.
Number of enemies: %d.
The following units were spotted among the enemies: %s.
What are your orders, Master?
Treasure of type 1. Types: 1 - gold and crystal drop decreased by (5*10)% (but no more than 100%) 2 - gold drop will be converted to crystals (2 gold = 1 crystal) 3 - crystal drop will be converted to gold (2 gold = 1 crystal) 4 and more - gold and crystal drop increased by 25%*(1-3)
to the gold drop will be added (30 * location level) to the gold drop will be added (-18 * location level * location level) / 10 to the crystal drop will be added (30 * location level-1) / 8 to the crystal drop will be added (-18 * location level-1 * location level) / 80
After the victory comes the encounter #1484